Monday, October 7, 2013


My entry kali ni memang aku tujukan khas untuk anak2 aku ni so u oll must sentiasa ingat my struggle,sweat n tears for the past 17 years bringing both of u up single handedly.what ever i do in my life both of u come first even to the extend of choosing my life partner i'll make sure he love both of u first before he love me to make sure u live in a good hand.the stories that i read how step father mistreat anak2 tiri really scared me off so u can see how i make sure your stepdad doesn't cross the far so good....he treat u both like his own daughter.o.k enough of the sob!sob! story.

I want both of u to give me an A' don't want B,C,D,E in any circumstance.i want both of u to grow up with beauty n a brain beauty so u can get good partner brain u can survive on your own without a partner (your choice) as for me i can take care of myself u must be strong and determine just like me.only those with strong headed can emerged as a winner.
grown up with beauty n a brain

remember i want an AAAAAA

remember how i sacrifise,struggle for u
only at 17 years old i let u wash your own cloth,cooking is still no,no,no i still can cook for u both every day without fail,send u to school,rush back home cook so u can get decent meal on the table, i realise that first thing u do when u get home is mama's what's cooking today u scream out loud when u saw your favourite dish on the table so i;ll make sure at least i cook one of your favorite dish.i'll learn how to cook japanese (your favourite shushi)walaupun terkial2 nak mengulung sushi tu,sanggup curi2 resepi si lanun steak tu cos i know u like western food though i don't really like western food,mama org kampung mama suka masakan kampung no matter what,as for chinese food bagai nak giler mama belajar buat yong tow foo cos i know u like it.(bila korang tak nak nasi sebab nak diet giler) i purposely open to u all kind of food so when u go oversea one day u'll survive without malay food.

I've seen when i was oversea how some of my friend suffered when they don't see rice.that won't happen for both of u. o.k now come to the bottom line how many AAAA...... can u give me?